Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Healthy Eating Plan

A healthy eating plan is often needed to keep up the body in good shape.When the day starts people rush up to reach their office by eating breakfast for namesake or either skipping it.When this happens daily,body does not get the essential nutrients.The following video shows "How to develop a healthy eating plan"

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Importance of Breakfast

The most important meal of the day is a title that breakfast just can't escape. When you feel yourself thinking about skipping this all-important part of your morning, you are missing something

A low carbohydrate food or toast with peanut butter is better than no breakfast at all, right? Not necessarily. If you make the effort to eat breakfast, why not do it right? And while you are at it, do it at home.The likelihood of eating a healthy, well-balanced breakfast drops dramatically once you walk out the front door.

Children who eat breakfast regularly perform better in school. Just ask any teacher. When you are not hungry, you can focus on other tasks.Children who eat breakfast also perform better on tests.You can extrapolate this to your life: Adults who eat breakfast perform better in the workplace and home environment. Breakfast helps reduce distraction and can actually help you feel more alert.

It is okay to feel hungry between breakfast and lunch. Prepare yourself for this situation by packing a snack with less than 250 calories.If you feel guilty about eating so often, keep this in mind: A healthy small breakfast and a healthy small snack in order to get you to a healthy small lunch is a much better option than a gigantic fattening lunch you attacked because of morning food depravation.

Skipping your breakfast could be the biggest mistake of the day-Give you body what it deserves

Monday, October 25, 2010

Benefits of Group Workout

Working out with a group is always fun and relaxing as it helps to maintain our spirits through out the workout.The biggest benefit of exercising with a group is that you never get fed up with the sometimes monotonous nature of the workout schedule. While we all realize that constant exercise is necessary to keep up our fitness at optimal levels, still we ourselves manage to find one reason or another to be non-punctual for our daily sessions. The basic reason why people – ordinary mortals and not fitness freaks – respond in this way is the lack of interest they develop over a period of time in their workout routines or exercises. If they did not find anything interesting or entertaining in the sessions or life inside the gym, they simply wouldn't bother to turn up for another couple of hours of boredom in the gym. But, group exercises are a definite solution to this attitude. After all, who on this earth doesn’t like to be in the company of others?

But, here it must be kept in mind that those exercises that can be done in a group are very much limited. Even though, new discoveries are invariably tried in various gyms, still the proven ones are the conventional group workouts only. But most of these provide – in its very nature and design – a means for boosting fitness at an overall level than limiting to any particular muscle or body part, which in fact makes it indispensable for most gymnasiums. 

 Pilates – pronounced as puh-LAH-teez – is a hybrid group exercise form, its steps borrowed heavily from other workout formats such as yoga, calisthenics, and stretching. To put it more technically, it is a non-impact, non-weight bearing workout model that helps in developing strength and overall flexibility sans any real muscle building. People who constantly practices Pilates – usually tennis sportsmen – have their muscles long, lean and strong, and sans any solid build.

Cycling uses stationary bikes for ‘riding’ the participants while the instructor mouths the necessary suggestions to do the act. Since being in a group, the participants may not feel bogged down so quickly, or they’ll be trying to outsmart their immediate neighbor in cycling as fast as possible. As mentioned earlier, it is this fun that makes group exercises a big hit.

Finally, cardio splash is an exercise form that lasts for an hour and it includes about 40 minutes of rigorous fat burning workouts, followed by 20 minutes of toning of muscles for overall body conditioning. The session concludes with a relaxing 5 minute stretching.

Belly dancing, cross interval training, mixed bag etc. are other group exercises that are beneficial. Check out your nearest gym for the exact nature of the workouts. 

But, for the real benefits of exercising with a group, the important aspect is to be punctual in all sessions. It is both exercise and fun. After all, many of you turn to group workouts to kill boredom as well, don't you?

Friday, October 22, 2010

Slim fast diet and Exercise Tips

In jargon language, when daily calorie intake surpasses that of calories expelled, the excess calorie consumption gets stored as fat deposits in different tissues of the body. This deposition of excess fat eventually leads to increase in weight. Many people choose to take over the counter diet pills to lose weight, and there are even lots of natural over the counter products that can be used to lose weight. However, there are also a few natural remedies that are known for helping with weight loss. Follow these steps to lose weight for free fast.

1. Water helps you lose weight fast for free since you rarely pay for water anywhere. When you do, it is cheap. Water flushes your system of toxins released from burned fat. Water helps purge your system. Water fills your stomach and hydrates your body so that it stops sending hunger signals. Make it your goal to drink at least 8 large glasses of water a day.

2. When people start eating fatty foods like pizzas, hamburgers, pastries or fried foods, the calorie count rises sharply. Thus, the efficacy of exercises to lose weight reduces considerably and it may take a long time before one experiences substantial weight loss. So, those in a hurry to lose weight should ensure that these unhealthy foods are not included in their weight loss diet.  A weight loss diet should be basically high in fat burning foods that contribute to drop those unwanted pounds naturally. Also, go for 5-6 meals smaller everyday, instead of 3 heavy meals. This type of diet plan helps to speed up metabolism, thereby helping to lose weight.

3. Detoxification is a way of reducing weight instantly in the modern world. Detoxification is a process which serves in cleansing the vital parts of the body like liver, digestive system, etc., from the harmful chemicals and toxins, thus aiding weight loss.

4. Fill up on beans. The beneficial side effect of consuming beans is the long-term effect they have of curbing your appetite. Besides the fact that they are good for you, beans can keep you feeling full up to four hours. Dine on a lunch of bean soup; chock full of fresh vegetables and you'll be satisfied until dinnertime. Don't add more than a pinch of sugar to your beans to alleviate gassiness.

5. Radically increase your aerobic exercise. If you increase heavy weigh lifting you may actually add weight to your body. Some weight will likely be added in the form of muscle, but you want that muscle to be lean rather than bulky. Give us TV and Internet surfing for a while. Devote all of that time to exercising and increasing your physical fitness. Lean muscle mass will burn calories even when you are resting. Every weight loss program has to increase your activity

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Some behavioural modifications

There have been a lot of myths about weight loss and often people confuse them with the actual facts.Eating too much will result in weight gain and many believe that weight loss is more than a calorie equation.We also confuse ourselves with many diet options that we come to know and don't know which one to trust.Here are the effective weight management everyone needs to know

Behaviour modification

1. A low fat consumption of food

2.An increase in fruit,vegetable and whole grain consumption

When we work on weight loss we have to make sure that we maintain the same strategy through out the schedule because the valuable time spent to lose those extra pounds would be of no use.Fad diets often promise quick results with a short time commitment. Long-term success requires permanent changes in behavior, diet, and activity.Without restricting the calories,weight loss is not easier to achieve so each diet has provide less calories than the body needs to maintain.One should be aware of the diet that advertises quick weight loss as faster weight loss is not the same as healthy weight loss.There needs to be a balance of fats,carbohydrates and proteins in our diet and less consumption of any one of the nutrient means more consumptions of the other two nutrients.For people who are not in jobs that do not involve intense physical energy,exercise is a must as it helps in keeping them active.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

A Few Fitness Regimes

A lot of men spend hours in gym to get a well toned body.Both the workout and food are important to get the body which you carve daily.A good muscular body is definitely a confidence booster among the men.There are few things that needs to kept in mind to ensure the success of your fitness regime.There are many important tips that helps in keeping the body in good shape,let me jus brief about some tips alone.the following are tips

Adopt a right regime

It is very important to follow a pattern during the workout as per your trainer.Without the guidance of the trainer you may end of overdoing an exercise which will definitely have no use in your body.You may end up burning energy alone.A right regime alone will keep you motivated through out the week.When you feel tired don't hit the gym as are going.It will not motivate you from inside,you may end up doing for a week A right regime keeps you toned and free from small health disorders.

Be Sensitive to your body

The builds of each person is different and the same workout which suits for your may not suit you.We need to monitor how our body responds to the workouts and if you find it's not responding well it means there is something wrong with the way you are doing.When ever in doubt don't hesitate to learn and make sure don't waste time in the effort to correct something wrong.

Importance of warm up and cool down exercises

We need to dedicate atl east 5 minutes of our workout time for warm up and cool down exercises.The warm up exercises helps the body to adopt to required postures and activity and cool down exercise helps the body to adopt to post regime tasks

Stick to Goals

It is always very important to know the levels achieved and this can done with the help of pie chart or with the help of a diary which helps to know the levels that we have reached.The ability to monitor the improvements you are making makes planning an integral part of the process and helps you to successfully target time frame bound goals

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Healthy Diet---->Healthy Living

There are some people who starve to loose weight rather than eating the required quantity of food.This practise may lead to a lot of problems in the future and only few are aware of it.A balanced diet is about what you eat and not how much you eat.Eating a healthy diet makes sure that you get the required amount of energy to perform all your work.When you consume quality food it may not satisfy you the same as same junk food.Although it's very difficult to avoid junk food in the current lifestyle lifestyles,we should at least minimise the intake keeping the health in mind.

The total calories that should be consumed per day is not the same for both men and women.It also depends on the type of work one is engaged in.It also depends on the body structure and activity level.People working in adverse environments need to consume a lot more calories than people who spend their most of the day before the computer monitor.In spite of a good diet some sort of physical activity is needed to keep the body and mind fresh.

Monday, October 11, 2010

To save the heart

There have been a lot of causes for heart problems in the recent times and it's mainly due to the food habits.Food habits play an important role than exercises and meditation.A plant based diet helps you in keep yourself healthy and it also lowers the risk of hypertension,diabetes and obesity.World Heart Day is celebrated on September 26th all over the world and efforts have been put to make people aware of the importance of food habits.

Instead of focusing on the food habits we look to expensive bypass,artificial heart and other solutions.A lot of people don't understand that bypass or angiloplasty treas only the symptoms and not the disease.It is important to understand that every time we include that extra spoon of ghee in our food we should keep in mind how it can leads to a building block of a problem.

It's all about loosing

Stop your imagination when you read just read out the title and by this time a lot of things would be running in your mind what this post is all about.In our day to day life we have seen obese people who would grab their attention for all wrong reasons.Obese problems may related to hormonal imbalance or not enough physical activity.There are people who are so careful about their weight even in childhood and they make sure that they maintain their weight by eating the right quantity of food.

Obese people experience frequent pain in the knees and back due to increased pressure in the back and vertebrae.Some people tend to fight obesity by having a strict control on their diet while many find extremely difficult to lose weight due to fatigueness.As a result of fatigueness,obese people do not get involved in any physical activity for a longer time.Simple tasks such as walking will also be tiring when you carry that extra weight.It's every one's duty to keep themselves fit despite change in lifestyle.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

My First Post

I always had a thought of starting a blog which is fully dedicated to health and fitness and atlast today I have started it.The role of health and fitness plays an important factor in today's lifestyle as we see a lot of people slogging in gym to lose that extra pound.In this blog you can get to know about weight loss,healthy nutrition and much more.Leave your valuable comments in the posts which you find really valuable.