Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Shed Inches By Adding Pepper to Your Diet

The medicinal importance of pepper has been unknown to many people.The recent research has found out that extra pepper in your diet will help you lose those extra inches around the waist.

Presence of a substance called capasaicin in hot peppers actually cause your body to heat up.The body heat generating power of peppers play an important part in loosing extra inches accumulating around the waistline.

Some people are who are not comfortable with the "burn" of hot peppers,there are plants that make a non burning version of capsaicin called dihydrocapsiate(DCT) have the benefits of pepper without pungency.

Two dosage levels of DCT were tested. At the beginning and end of the study, body weight and body fat were assessed, and the researchers determined energy expenditure (heat production) in each subject after he or she consumed one serving of the test meal.

After several hours of consumption of test meal,group consuming the highest amount of DCT had high amount of energy.

In fact, it was almost double that of the placebo group, which indicated that eating this pepper-derived substance that doesn''t burn, can have the same potential benefit as hot peppers at least in part by increasing food-induced heat production.The researchers have have tested the effect of DCT on the thermic response to a single meal.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Eating lots of Proteins to Stay Slim

There is a lot of truth about being slim.In the recent study carried out by University of Sydney have found that including enough protein in your diet helps to keep you slim rather than simply cutting calories.

Consuming protein in low calories can lead to excessive energy intake and cause you to eat more snacks.Enough protein in diets helps in controlling appetites and preventing excessive eating of fats and carbohydrates.This is the first scientifically supported evidence that dietary protein and is also a vital step in preventing global obesity

In the current environment where foods containing fat and carbohydrates is cheap and available in plenty,there are only few health conscious people who go for protein rich foods.Protein is also the driving force for appetizing in many animals.

There is also no complete evidence that protein plays an important role in overall energy intake in humans.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Fitness Marketing Tips That Will Excite Your Personal Trainer Business


To tell the truth: a career of professional competence is not glamorous. Likely to see more spandex every day than most people see a year. Have you seen all the gyms and dysfunctional Gong Show, and classes of customers, who really, really, we need your help.

If you want to be so dedicated to your career, you probably want to lose.

Fortunately, the fitness camps industry is booming. With over two-thirds of Americans now overweight or obese, there has never been a better time to help people get fit. Millions are unhealthy, unhappy and desperate for a way to regain control over their lives.

How, then, is still struggling to find clients?

Why on earth are not references to pouing?

Why, in a world where your business is more important than ever, you made less money than the employees of McDonald?

Read More Fitness Retreat Article

Friday, February 18, 2011

US patients with high cholesterol levels untreated

High cholesterol levels in the body are highly dangerous and there is high risk for developing cardio vascular diseases like stroke and heart attack.A new study has found that majority of the people in US are not getting themselves treated for higher cholesterol levels.Majority of the people are not taking any medications for high cholesterol levels.

"Untreated high blood cholesterol represents a missed opportunity in the face of a global epidemic of chronic diseases. Many of these people — living in England, Germany, Japan, Jordan, Mexico, Scotland, Thailand and the United States of America — are unaware that they need treatment, which is easily accessible in the form of low-cost medicines,” according to the study published in the 'International Public Health Journal,' the bulletin of the World Heath Organisation (WHO).

The study was conducted involving 147 million people from England, Germany, Japan, Jordan, Mexico, Scotland, Thailand, and the United States.

High cholesterol levels are one of the reasons for chronic diseases.Indulging in physical exercises and eating a healthy diet are very effective in keeping the cholesterol levels at a moderate level.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Outdoor exercises better than gym workouts

A new study has found out that exercising outdoors is more beneficial for health than working out in a gym.The benefits obtained by outdoor exercises have found out to be more appealing and has generated a considerable interest.

The levels of tension, confusion, anger and depression were lowered by exercising outside.A team at the Peninsula College of Medicine and Dentistry looked at data from sources including 11 trials involving 833 adults.

All compared the relative merits of outdoor exercise compared to indoors.Apart from improved mental health benefits, the study also reported greater enjoyment from exercising outside, and a higher likelihood of continuing with the exercise regime.I never knew that outdoor exercises could be of such a fun and at the same time beneficial for the body.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Unhealthy lifestyle linked to Obesity


The entire article focuses on childhood obesity and children who suffer from obesity due to changing lifestyles should be taken care well by their parents.Obesity among the children is a common modern day problem.The parents should play an important role in creating an awareness among the children about obesity at a earlier age it self and also tell the importance of home cooked food over outside food.This helps to keep the calories in check.

Researchers found that 58 percent of obese children had watched two hours of TV in the previous day, compared to 41 percent of non-obese children.Watching TV not only makes the child sedentary but also makes them obese at a younger age itself. 45 percent of obese students always ate school lunch, but only 34 percent of non-obese students ate school lunch.

Significantly fewer obese kids exercised regularly, took physical education classes, or were a member of a sports team. It was also found out the eating and exercise patterns of obese children were so different than their normal weight peers, researchers concluded that lifestyle was more closely linked with childhood obesity, than genetics.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Allergies and asthma linked to Cleanliness


It was quite surprising to as well as shocking to me when I decided to share this article with my fellows in the blogsphere. In our school days we have heard of the famous proverb "Cleanliness is Godliness" .The research carried out seems to be total contrary.

Little girls growing up in western society are expected to be neat and tidy, "all ribbon and curls". But this cleanliness may be linked to higher rates of allergies and asthma in adult women, says a new study. 

Oregon State University philosopher Sharyn Clough, who studies science and gender differences, points out that women have higher rates of allergies and asthma and many autoimmune disorders, the journal Social Science & Medicine reports . 

Clough documents a variety of sociological and anthropological research showing that society views young girls differently from young boys, according to an Oregon statement. 

"Girls tend to be dressed more in clothing that is not supposed to get dirty, girls tend to play indoors more than boys, and girls' playtime is more often supervised by parents," said Clough, adding that this is likely to result in girls staying cleaner. 

"There is a significant difference in the types and amounts of germs that girls and boys are exposed to, and this might explain some of the health differences we find between women and men." 

However, that doesn't mean that parents should let their daughters go out into the back yard and eat dirt, Clough points out. 

"What I am proposing is new ways of looking at old studies," she said. "The hygiene hypothesis is well-supported, but what I am hoping is that the epidemiologists and clinicians go back and examine their data through the lens of gender."