Friday, February 18, 2011

US patients with high cholesterol levels untreated

High cholesterol levels in the body are highly dangerous and there is high risk for developing cardio vascular diseases like stroke and heart attack.A new study has found that majority of the people in US are not getting themselves treated for higher cholesterol levels.Majority of the people are not taking any medications for high cholesterol levels.

"Untreated high blood cholesterol represents a missed opportunity in the face of a global epidemic of chronic diseases. Many of these people — living in England, Germany, Japan, Jordan, Mexico, Scotland, Thailand and the United States of America — are unaware that they need treatment, which is easily accessible in the form of low-cost medicines,” according to the study published in the 'International Public Health Journal,' the bulletin of the World Heath Organisation (WHO).

The study was conducted involving 147 million people from England, Germany, Japan, Jordan, Mexico, Scotland, Thailand, and the United States.

High cholesterol levels are one of the reasons for chronic diseases.Indulging in physical exercises and eating a healthy diet are very effective in keeping the cholesterol levels at a moderate level.


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