Thursday, November 25, 2010

Frequent fliers-check out this

Is it possible to stay fit while your work makes you travel most days of the month? Some frequent fliers tell us ...
So you're on the right side of 30, and after making a resolution on your birthday to 'take charge of your fitness', you renewed your gym membership and replenished your kitchen shelves with healthy stuff. However, while you are in town, you are so busy with social commitments over food and drinks that it is practically
impossible to keep track of your diet and fitness.

Hotshot frequent fliers lead a different life. One that's all about hotel reservations, eating-on-the-move and tackling jetlag. Some, however, manage to stay fit despite the chaos. We asked four such high-fliers how they streamlined their diet and exercise regimen as they zip across the world.

Diet Mantra:There can just be regulations like avoiding sugar and oily food.However, have your devised habits which keep his fitness intact - "While out on a tour, ensure that you have four-five small meals a day. Since you can't dig into desi food everywhere,  have a fresh sandwich or two. You can also carry a handful of dry fruits whenever he's stepping out.

1.Put a good moisturiser before you male a dip
2.Have a good sleep in flights no matter how lavish the beds in your hotel rooms

Monday, November 22, 2010

Importance of Warm Up and Cool Down

An effective fitness program is more than aerobic training and strength building. To really reap the benefits of exercise, you need to add flexibility training to the mix.

Stretching can help your body get ready for exercise. It is also an essential part of recovering from aerobic activity. All exercise sessions should end with stretching - and not just for the mental relaxation benefits. The more flexible you are, the less likely you are to be injured during exercise.Stretching have great benefits in your body.

Warm Up

A good warm up prepares your body for more intense activity. It gets your blood flowing, raises your muscle temperature, and increases your breathing rate. Warming up gives your body time to adjust to the demands of exercise. This can improve your performance and help you get the results you want.

The simplest way to warm up is to do an aerobic activity at an easy pace. If cycling is what you plan to do, then start out slowly in a low gear.

How long you spend warming up will depend on your fitness level. If you are newer to exercise and you will respond better with a longer warm up.

Adding stretches to your warm up may improve your exercise performance. Once your muscles are warm, spend a few minutes on stretching. Since the goal of your warm up is to increase your heart rate and get you ready for more intense work, choose stretches that can be done standing up. Floor stretches are best for your cool down segment.

Cool Down

Just as a warm up prepares your body for exercise, an effective cool down gives your body time to recover.Your cool down begins as you gradually decrease your intensity level at the end of your aerobic exercise session. For example, if you have been walking at a quick pace, begin cooling down by slowing your steps and taking your arms out of the movement.Walk at a comfortable pace until your breathing and heart rate have returned to normal.

What to eat: Getting The Right Thing For Your Best Performance

Food provides your body with necessary energy. To make the most of your workouts, focus on these foods.

Carbohydrates:Body's chief source of fuel
You'll feel better when you exercise if you eat foods high in carbohydrates and low in fat. Your body stores excess carbohydrates as glycogen — primarily in your muscles and liver. Your muscles use stored glycogen when needed for energy.

A diet containing at least 50 percent of calories from carbohydrates allows your body to store glycogen, but if you're a long-distance runner or you exercise for long periods of time, you might want to consume more carbohydrates regularly and consider carbohydrate loading before a big athletic event.

Good carbohydrate sources include cereals, breads, vegetables, pasta, rice and fruit.
Foods high in fiber and fructose right before an intense workout may cause problems. High-fiber foods, such as beans and lentils, bran cereals and fruit, may give you gas or cause cramping. Fructose, a simple sugar found in fruit, can increase the tendency for diarrhea with high-intensity exercise.Consider beverage sources if you don't like to eat solid foods before exercising.

Protein and fats: Important, but not your body's top fuel choice
Protein isn't your body's food of choice for fueling exercise, but it does play a role in muscle repair and growth. Most people can easily get the protein they need from food sources and don't need additional protein supplements. Good protein sources include:

Dairy products
Fat is an important, although smaller, part of your diet. Fats, as well as carbohydrates, can provide fuel for your muscles during exercise. Try to get most of your fat from unsaturated sources such as:

Fatty fish
Vegetable oils

Avoid fatty foods just before exercising, though. Fats remain in your stomach longer, causing you to feel less comfortable.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Get rid of backpain

A lot of people suffer from back pain these days and experts believe that exercise serves as the most successful approach to speed recovery from back pain and water exercises in particular, are becoming increasingly popular in relieving and relaxing people suffering from the condition. By providing the safest conditions for healing back injuries, water can significantly reduce the stress in the back while supporting the weight of the body. Pool/water exercises have proved to be an excellent way of strengthening the back muscles without causing additional inflammation or pain. Here are a few back pain exercises that have proved to promote successful recovery in a considerably shorter period.

Warming up before performing any kind of pool exercise is greatly essential as it lets the heart rate and body temperatures adjust to the level required for the exercise. The warm up session normally takes around 5-10 minutes and usually involves performing the planned exercise movements in a slow manner. Remember, there are various forms of pool exercises and no matter which exercise you go for, missing the warm up session can prove to be a big mistake.

You can start your session with a simple pool exercise by standing in water at the mid-chest position. For around two seconds, stand on the tip toes and then return to your original position, which should be followed by standing on the heels for a period as long as 2 seconds. Repeat the two movements twenty times. Then, there's another simple pool exercise involves standing at a distance of around twelve inches from a side wall, having the toes separated from the wall. Try to adjust in a sitting position with the back leaning against the wall and then return to the previous position. You can even move in a backward direction for reaching the wall. This exercise needs to be repeated at least, ten times. Moreover, you may consider performing an unusual yet effective form of exercise. Stand with your body immersed into the water up to the level of the chest, lean forward in a slight manner and start running for around 5 minutes at minimum.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Exercises a must for Diabetes

With more number of people suffering from diabetes these days,a healthy lifestyle needs to be promoted among the people in order to battle it.Out of 220 million people worldwide,50.9 million people are in India which is definitely such an alarming number.Diabetes, a metabolic disorder, usually occurs when the body does not produce insulin -a hormone that is required to convert sugar and carbohydrates into energy.

Regular Exercises and health check ups are needed to avoid the disease and there should be awareness among the youth.There are even some people who lacks awareness about diabetes and with the help of diabetes clinic it can be achieved.

Increased fatigue, frequent urination, weight fluctuation, blurry vision, and poor wound healing are the common symptoms of diabetes.A diabetes known as Type-2 diabetes is present even among the children and this happens mainly due to childhood obesity.

Diabetes prevention is possible and powerful and the disease can be defeated.