Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Shed Inches By Adding Pepper to Your Diet

The medicinal importance of pepper has been unknown to many people.The recent research has found out that extra pepper in your diet will help you lose those extra inches around the waist.

Presence of a substance called capasaicin in hot peppers actually cause your body to heat up.The body heat generating power of peppers play an important part in loosing extra inches accumulating around the waistline.

Some people are who are not comfortable with the "burn" of hot peppers,there are plants that make a non burning version of capsaicin called dihydrocapsiate(DCT) have the benefits of pepper without pungency.

Two dosage levels of DCT were tested. At the beginning and end of the study, body weight and body fat were assessed, and the researchers determined energy expenditure (heat production) in each subject after he or she consumed one serving of the test meal.

After several hours of consumption of test meal,group consuming the highest amount of DCT had high amount of energy.

In fact, it was almost double that of the placebo group, which indicated that eating this pepper-derived substance that doesn''t burn, can have the same potential benefit as hot peppers at least in part by increasing food-induced heat production.The researchers have have tested the effect of DCT on the thermic response to a single meal.